Fwd: [ElabgyLovers] to be forgotten (حتى لا ننسى)

---------- الرسالة المعاد توجيهها ---------- من: القلب الطيب < mohamedgad1@hotmail.com > التاريخ: 24 يناير, 2012 05:03 م الموضوع: [ElabgyLovers] to be forgotten (حتى لا ننسى) إلى: ElabgyLovers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ارسلها للعالم These pictures are the same pictures that Jewish people could get the Sympathy of the world for what they have suffered with Hitler and his army. But now they are doing the same crimes with the Palestinians Please try to send TO CLEAR THE TRUTH OF THE REAL KILLER And cooperate to publish as much as possible بهذه الصور نفسها استطاع اليهود استعطاف العالم من ما كانو يعانون منه من هتلر ولكنهم...