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United States Presidents
and the Masonic Power Structure

1825-1829 John Quincy Adams, 6th. President of the United
States (DR) Unknown Mason status. (Rumored famous Anti Mason.) Vice
President, John C. Calhoun, 1829-1832. Unknown Mason Status.

1826-1828 Robert Trimble. S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President
John Quincy Adams. Also was Master of his lodge, Union #16 in Paris, Kentucky.
Confirmed Mason.

1826 CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN, of New York, an intelligent man, and an
inflexible republican, convinced of the dangers of Secret Societies, in a free
Government, resolved to use his best endeavors for their suppression. Being a
Royal Arch Mason, he had witnessed the corruption of the Institution. He saw it
was an engine of personal advantage and political aggrandizement; that it gave
to its members unfair advantages and extra privileges over the unsuspecting
community; that its insidious influence extended to every transaction in society,
raising as it were the Masonic combination unto a PRIVILEGED ORDER, who,
under the Royal Names of GRAND KINGS, Grand Sovereigns, and Grand High
Priests, in darkness and secrecy, ruled and plundered the people. CAPTAIN
MORGAN was a soldier and a brave man. He saw this detestable conspiracy and
he dared to risk his life by bursting its shackles and warning an injured people!
Morgan wrote a book exposing the Masons, (Illuminations of Masonry) He was
arrested by a gang of Masonic desperadoes, at the insistence of the Master of
the lodge of Masons in Canadaigua. (B.J. Lossing, The Empire State, American
Publishing Company 1888 p. 471) who came 60 miles after him, in the morning
about sunrise, Sept. 11, 1826. Morgan was bound and weighted and drowned in
the Niagra River by the Masons. An Account of the Savage Treatment of Captain
William Morgan, by Edward Giddins A monument to William Morgan, thirty eight
feet in height and weighing forty tons stands in the old cemetery in Batavia,
New York. On its base are carved the following inscriptions:
"Sacred to the memory of William Morgan, a native of Virginia, a captain in the
war of 1812, a respectable citizen of Batavia, and a martyr to the freedom of
writing, printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in
the year of 1826, by Freemasons, and murdered for revealing the secrets of
their order. The court records of Genesee County, and files of the Batavia
Advocate, kept in the recorder's office, contain the history of the events that
caused the erection of this monument, September 13, 1882. The bane of our
civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming
more so. I owe to my country an exposure of its dangers." - Captain William

Following the murder of Captain Morgan, three state legislatures investigated
Freemasonry. New York, 1829; Massachusetts, 1834; and Pennsylvania, 1836.


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